They put the "grow" in North Country Grown!
Growers listed below are considered active members of NCGC because they have sold through the co-op in the last three years.

Birdsfoot Farm
Birdsfoot Farm is a diversified vegetable operation in Canton, NY. Dulli Tengeler, the farmer, primarily grows for a CSA program and the Birdsfoot intentional community. She also supplies produce to NCGC. Try Birdsfoot's sunchokes, parsnips, and mixed greens!
Village Veggies
Village Veggies is a diversified vegetable farm in Potsdam, NY, operated by former doctor and current NCGC manager, John Dewar. Village Veggies sells produce wholesale through NCGC and Martin's Farmstand, and specializes in tomatoes and head lettuce.

Martin's Farm
Daniel Martin, his wife Mendy, and their children operate a mixed fruit, vegetable, and flower farm in Potsdam, NY. Their large farm store, Martin's Farmstand, offers a diverse array of seasonal produce, both produced on-site and bought in from other growers who use the same earth-friendly growing practices. The farmstead also offers homemade baked goods made in their certified kitchen and limited bulk dry goods. The Martins operate a popular strawberry U-Pick in the spring. Find the Martins on Facebook and at
Drumlin's End Farm
Sue Rau operates certified organic Drumlin's End Farm in Massena. Sue and her late husband, Andy Soutar, have grown a wide array of crops over the years but the farm now specializes in unusual potato varieties and winter squash. Sue was the longtime manager of NCGC and Andy its delivery driver for many years.
Photo credit: "Winter squash" by randomduck is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

Whitten Family Farm
The Whitten family's diversified farm in Winthrop grows produce and raises meat for their CSA programs, their Adirondack Health Hub business, their family, their neighbors, and NCGC. They have signed the NOFA Farmers' Pledge, pledging organic growing practices. Find them on Facebook and at
Photo credit: Ben Gocker, "Relocated Health Hub aims to educate as well as nourish," Adirondack Daily Enterprise, 16 June 2017.
Squeak Creek Apiaries
Mark Berninghausen has operated his apiary in Brasher Falls since 1986. Mark manages as many as 800 beehives for honey and cut honeycomb, available locally and regionally. He also takes his hives on the road to pollinate apples and other crops both locally and out of state.
Photo credit: "Honeybee's Yellow Bliss" by FotoGrazio is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Fuller's Farm
Kathy and Tim Fuller in Canton, NY market a diverse array of produce, honey, and preserved foods through a small CSA program, sales at the Potsdam Farmers Market, and NCGC.
Photo credit: Ashley Waldron Photography for Potsdam Farmers Market
Matthew's Maple
Lee Mathews and family make high-quality maple syrup and maple products (include maple cream and candy) at their sugar-shack on Irish Hill Road in Oswegatchie, NY. Find them on Facebook and at
Photo credit: "Maple Sugar Candy" by jessamyn is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.